As part of VicHealth’s Men’s Risky Drinking Initiative, “Hospo drinking cultures” seeks to amplify changes to drinking cultures amongst hospitality workers through a series of short animated documentaries. These interviews feature personal experiences of how men are navigating and changing hospitality drinking cultures to facilitate low risk drinking, alternative ways of winding down after a shift, and care between hospitality workers.

Client: Monash University
Role: Writer/Director/Lead animator
Deliverables: 5 interview films, 5 short edits, illustrations for website
Funded by: Vic Health
Credits: Produced by Lucy Hayes, Illustration by Juliet Rowe, Colouring by Dion Shields, Sound and Music by Robert Healey, Story editing by Glen Maw, Motion Graphic by Benjamin Portas

This is MARTIN, a 23yo recent graduate. Martin speaks about the culture amongst hospitality students and how he successfully made changes to the way they spent time together.

Meet JAMIE, a young bar tender from Geelong who had a big turning point that made him realise the benefits of finding other activities to do with his workmates.

This is THIAGO, a chef who has experience in fine dining kitchens where it puts a lot of pressure on other workers if someone isn’t feeling their best self at work. He reveals his healthy habits and motivation.

Meet EMMANUEL, who worked in several regional and urban breweries. He loves his job but finds the pressure to drink sometimes a bit much.

This is PAUL, who has over 20 years experience in hospitality and is now a marketing chef for an oven company. He compares his new workplace culture with he previous life.